She is not Dunne saving The Planet

Seriously, she is only just begun. Madison Dunne from the United States is the founder of Waribites, a sustainable natural energy-bar brand, and is also one of the 100 Global Impact Ambassadors. We sat (virtually) down with Madison to talk everything SDG, sustainability and the things that move her to become a warrior towards the path of change. Her radiant smile and bubbly character shine through her work, but her perseverance is the real deal.

She is not Dunne saving The Planet

Hey Madi, why do you care about these SDGs?

Growing up, she participated in beach/highway trash cleanups. She also worked at a couple of schools in high school where she spoke Spanish and helped students with language barriers better understand the tasks they were given at school. Post high school, she started working with “at-risk” teenage girls in middle schools and mentored them through a program that encourages them to reach higher in life, in school, in social circles. Volunteering with organisations fighting against child sex trafficking, like Operation Underground Railroad was where she got the most inspiration. Most recently, she worked with iDE Global on their social media/marketing team to assist them in expanding their efforts — empowering local communities to work on the social issues they care about through human-centered design, local leaders, and ambitious change-makers, while also providing them with the means and plans to carry out their plans.

What did I tell you? She’s the real deal.

What is the most memorable moment you’ve had in regards to the Global Goals


Madison stopped using plastic water bottles about a year ago and she has recycled her whole life. She often times promotes local organisations that contribute to the SDGs on her social media platforms with around 10k followers and raises awareness of important issues — both globally and locally.

She is not Dunne saving The Planet 1

Why are you well suited to become one of 100 of the world’s first Global Impact Citizens?
We believe Madison is well equipped to be one of our 100 Global Impact Ambassadors because she actively promotes and lives according to her belief in the SDGs being crucial to our progress as a world. Her happiness when helping others and involvement in her community shines through!

We know, Madi, you are a superstar!

We are proud to announce Madison as one of our First 100 Global Impact Ambassadors.

You can find more about her on here.

You can also find Global Impact Network on Instagram and join the movement with our fellow change-makers.

Join her and me by creating a positive impact, globally.

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