We help businesses achieve successful sustainability strategies across the private sector. Global Impact redefines survival of the fittest by working together with sustainable business models that maximize the rewards of having a triple bottom line.
Easily track and report on your projects. Analyse your strengths and weaknesses and reach your CSR and ESG goals.
We provide solutions to your sustainability problems such as business model innovation; impact investing; or employee volunteering and community engagement.
Partner and collaborate with other organisations, governments and individuals.
Global Impact facilitates the next generation of online users. We foster a community of people that want to directly create impact, learn about progress towards the SDGs, and connect with products and businesses who care and can help.
Market your created impact by directly reaching your audience through verifiable story telling.
Engage and reward people who contribute towards your events, projects and/or campaigns.
We are dedicated to empowering your company with purpose to show value creation to their shareholders and to an increasing population of conscious consumers.
We measure and verify the tangible impact your company creates and allocate the value attribution to your profile- creating your own impact portfolio.
We are disrupting traditional barriers of expensive consultation and time-consuming impact creation. We align impact events to your CSR goals so that you can focus on maximizing profits and do what you do best while we take care of the rest, making sure people and planet are part of your purpose.
You choose the impact you want to create, and we make sure it is verified and allocated to your portfolio: becoming your asset forever for the world to see.
Impact Events are how we create immediate impact. Design corporate CSR events to connect your employee volunteering to community outreach program and measure, allocate, and share the impact created. On Global Impact, these events show instant impact data, event information, and the opportunity to use storytelling.
Impact Events are connected to your company’s- or your customer’s- preferred sustainable cause. Immediately reach those customers that are passionate about those causes and invite them to join, donate, or learn more about the events you organize or sponsor. Any impact you create will be immediately available to your customers and all users to see.
Publicly advocate for a cause your business stands behind.
Collaborate on a national, international or global level to further your cause and make a difference.
Run your projects through global impact. Get members to post proof of participation directly to your project and automatically track, measure and report on impact achieved.
Collate stats and data.
Measure trends and progress towards achieving CSR and ESG goals.